Thursday, August 28, 2008

DTV Day is Coming!

Television as we know it is about to change. On February 17, 2009, nearly all television stations in the United States will stop broadcasting their analog signal and start broadcasting digitally. Since technology is constantly changing and improving, the television industry decided to follow suit and improve their signal to broadcast a better picture.

This is a very significant event that will impact the television industry. For this reason, I felt it was important enough to cover in this blog. Look for future blogs to cover topics such as what the transition entails, what television stations need to do to adapt to the transition, and what the user needs to do to adapt to the transition.

Can't wait for future blogs to find out about the DTV transition? Click on the image below to learn more.

After I initially posted this blog, I began to think of all the other ways television has transitioned in the past few years. Some of these changes include the introduction of HDTV and also the types of equipment television stations are needing to change to keep up with technology. Although the changes aren't directly correlated with the DTV transition, I think getting some background information on other television technology changes might help you understand the need for the DTV transition.